Oct 18, 2021
IDC White paper: Aiven's cloud data services bring 340% three year ROI
IDC wrote a white paper on just how much value Aiven services add for our customers. Read how we did! (Spoiler: we did really well.)
Auri Poso
|RSS FeedTechnical Copywriter at Aiven
At Aiven, we’re frankly pretty proud of how we make life easier for DBAs and application developers. They really appreciate our quick and hassle-free services that allow them to store and process data in the cloud. This feedback is very gratifying… and honestly, not a huge surprise, because that’s what we’re here for.
But we also keep hearing back from customers that our managed cloud database services bring them massive and tangible business benefits. They talk about increased agility, allowing them to maneuver more quickly in a fast-paced business environment, and efficiency that is directly reflected in their bottom line.
We could make an educated guess as to how big this effect is, but we just don’t do the guesswork thing. We wanted to put some numbers to it and properly understand just what it is that our services accomplish.
So we sponsored a study by IDC to look into the question.
The results make cool reading. According to the IDC White Paper , in terms of business value, our customers have seen 340% three-year ROI with a 5-month payback period; 37% lower cost of operations over three years; and an impressive surge in the effectiveness of DBA, infra and security teams.
IDC calculations show that the companies participating in the study, who were enterprise-level companies, were able to realize an average of $184,800 in higher net revenue annually per organization.
White paper highlights
We’ll let you read the IDC white paper* itself for more in-depth insights, but just to give you a taste, here are some highlights:
- Aiven is unique in the ability to offer automatic scaling of databases and access to Apache Kafka free from maintenance concerns.
- Aiven enables companies to move away from maintaining physical assets, to purchasing services on a need-to-have basis.
- Aiven offers development teams greatly enhanced agility and scalability.
- With Aiven, equivalent results can be achieved with significantly less time and investment into DBA, IT infrastructure and security.
- Aiven enhances business agility by making upscaling and downscaling easy.
- Aiven brings great risk mitigation benefits.
Aiven’s unique multi-cloud, open source approach offers more versatility than on-premises solutions or even the proprietary solutions offered by each large cloud provider. Data can live near its users, and if circumstances change, it can easily be moved to different regions and clouds. This hugely increases business agility compared to an in-house or proprietary solution.
Automated agility
Automated scaling, also mentioned as a differentiating factor, is another great source of agility in operations. Because customers are not stuck with unwanted capacity, they feel comfortable increasing it when needed and reap the benefits. When needs decrease, however temporarily, they can again leverage the benefit of decreasing their spend.
“With Aiven, we easily scaled up a few days before [a major event]; This would have taken a month [of] preparation otherwise.” -- An EMEA business services company
Customers also emphasised the ease of use that Aiven brings to cloud data management. We got kudos on our graphical user interface, the Aiven Console, as well as the general straightforward setup and user experience.
“[Our DBAs] have more time to work on performance, database engine choice, schema definition and things like that because they no longer have to spend time to install, maintain, upgrade, and change passwords. [...E]verything is done by Aiven." -- An EMEA retail company
But enough about this boasting, right? Head on over to the white paper itself and read the hard data about the business benefits Aiven brings.
* Source: IDC White Paper, sponsored by Aiven, The Business Value of Aiven Data Cloud, document #48198621, August 2021.
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