Aiven Blog

May 8, 2024

Aiven for Redis®* has become Aiven for Caching

Aiven for Caching is a new name for the same NoSQL service you know and love.

Nick Rycar, Senior Product Marketing Manager

Nick Rycar

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Update: As of May 28, 2024, this name change has been implemented

In March, a new licensing model was announced for Redis®*, which will impact the Aiven for Redis®* service. From May 1st onwards, Redis® releases up to and including Redis 7.2 will continue to be covered by the existing three-clause Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license. Future versions of Redis, beginning with version 7.4, will be released under new dual source-available licenses.

There are no immediate changes to existing Aiven for Redis®* services or any of their functionality. To comply with Redis's copyright and license agreements going forward, however, we will be changing the name of Aiven for Redis® services to Aiven for Caching.

What's changing (and what isn't)

The most important thing to note about the forthcoming name change is that current customers do not need to take any immediate action. At this time, the service itself, any associated API endpoints, CLI calls or other functionality associated with creating or using an Aiven for Redis®* service will not change.

So what will be changing?

In accordance with the updated Redis Trademark Policy, we'll be updating all references to Aiven for Redis®* on web pages and the Aiven console to Aiven for Caching. The service itself will remain compatible with legacy Redis® OSS, and we will continue to provide updates until early 2025.

The future of in-memory databases at Aiven

While there's more than a year before the Redis® 7.2 EOL, you might rightly ask, "what happens after that?" We're pleased to report that Aiven will continue to provide options for customers looking for the best in-memory NoSQL databases.

We recently launched Aiven for Dragonfly, which uses the same underlying Redis Serialization Protocol (RESP) and is fully compatible with legacy Redis® OSS. It also provides exceptional performance and scalability improvements. You can read more about the Aiven for Dragonfly launch and dig into key features and use cases on the Aiven blog.

That said, Aiven for Dragonfly isn't for everyone. For customers looking to implement more modest use cases, or with a strong preference for solutions backed by open source technology, we've got you covered. The Linux Foundation recently launched Valkey, an open-source Redis® alternative released under the three-clause BSD license. Aiven is proud to be an early supporter of the project, and we intend to incorporate Valkey into our platform in the near future.

* Redis is a registered trademark of Redis Ltd. and the Redis box logo is a mark of Redis Ltd. Any rights therein are reserved to Redis Ltd. Any use by Aiven is for referential purposes only and does not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation between Redis and Aiven.

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