
Oct 10, 2019

Aiven achieves SOC 2 compliance

Aiven Press Release: In October 2019, Aiven announced its Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 compliant status.

HELSINKI, Finland — October 10, 2019-Aiven, a leading cloud technology startup providing a portfolio of managed database and stream processing products, today announced its Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 compliant status.

Information Security is a priority for all organizations, including those that utilize third-party vendors to operate key business functions. Developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), SOC 2 requires companies to establish and adhere to strict information security policies and procedures, including the security, availability, processing, integrity, and privacy of customer data. Externally verified SOC 2 compliance ensures that your providers meet this standard and securely manage and protect your data.

“Aiven customers’ information security is our number one priority,” said Aiven CTO Heikki Nousiainen. “Our compliance with SOC 2’s security standards is a testament of our commitment to information security posture, policies and processes, and ultimately, it will help our customers to meet their own security and compliance requirements.”

Aiven also holds ISO 27001:2013 certification for its information security management system. The SOC 2 audit process was a natural continuation of Aiven’s ongoing information security management efforts.

“Both SOC 2 and ISO 27001 requires suppliers to ensure security requirements and demands expected by the end customer are met,” added Nousianinen. “We're happy to showcase we can meet the industry’s highest security standards, and continue ensuring best-in-class information security for our customers.”

For more information about Aiven’s security and compliance certifications, please visit

About Aiven

Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland and with offices in Boston, Berlin, and Sydney. Aiven is an ISO 27001 certified cloud data platform provider, operating managed open-source database, event streaming, cache, search, and graphing solutions for over 500 customers worldwide.

You can visit for more information or follow Aiven on Twitter: @aiven_io.